SpinHood is the new smart way to pay your restaurant bills. Spin the wheel to increase your credit and never lose it! Use your increased credit to pay your bills in all the affiliated restaurants. Yes, you can’t lose! In fact, when you spin the wheel, you can either increase your credit up to 10 times or get it back! All the spin results will add up to your “to spend” credit, which you can use to pay your bills when and where suits you best.
SpinHood revolutionise the way of doing vouchers, adding entertainment and full flexibility of spend, which also means you don’t always need to plan ahead.
With SpinHood you can:
• Spin the wheel to increase your credit up to 10 times and never lose it or reduce it
• Pay your bills in all our partner restaurants with the credit earned, directly from the app
• Browse the restaurant map to see the Spinhood restaurants around you
• Get more restaurants details, such as cuisine, price range and menus
The credit earned doesnt expire, so you get to choose the best time and places where to spend it* (*among our affiliated restaurants).
Download the app now and start playing.
Only available in London.